Thursday, October 7, 2010

Marathons #2 and #3

Marathon #2 - Bellingham Bay, September 26, 2010

This is the second time I have run BBM, the last time was a couple of years ago.  I didn't like the course back then, but I loved the course this year.  Starting on the Lummi Reservation and winding along the bay towards downtown Bellingham was delightful, well as delightful as a marathon can be.  Combined with the "warm" rain, the whole experience was positive.  

BBM has a history of changing it's course every year, which can be some what of a pain.  I am hoping that they will keep this course, though they will need to tweak it some for next year due to construction on both the Paddle Point Trestle and Taylor Dock, which we ran over.

Starting on the Lummi Reservation was very cool.  We had a nice gathering place, out of the rain, in the Lummi Tribe's Longhouse.  Minutes before the start local Lummi's perform a "blessing ceremony" which was inspiring.  The starting line was right outside next to the Longhouse.  This was a nice addition to the BBM experience.  

I was happy with my performance.  I had designed to run through the first half in close to 2:00, then settle back and coast in the second half.  Goal accomplished.

I would recommend this race.

Marathon #3 - Leavenworth Marathon, October 2, 2010

My first running trip to Leavenworth happened to be during un-seasonally high temperatures, reaching 85 or so.  With a 9:00 starting time put many runners, myself included, running in the heat of the day.

The marathon course is a double loop; basically we ran with the half marathoners, cross the finish line with the half marathoners and then turn around and head out for one more loop, without the half marathoners.  I dislike double loop courses.  The first loop was nice and busy with close to 1400 to 1500 half marathoners and the second loop was lonely with 125 marathoners, who had spread out over the first 13 miles.  I ran with a tumble weed for a while, though they don't talk all that much.

Close to 18 or 19 miles I stopped at a convenience.  I wanted to add ice to my hydration pack, drink a cold Coke and enjoy a snack.  From there I ran through the Waterfront Park; it's tree lined trail provided some nice shade and coolness.

Now, the best part of this event was at mile 22.  The "Gu Girls" were handing out GU packets and when I was asked for one I replied that I really wanted was a beer, which was provided with pretzels.  I think that was the tastiest, coldest, beer I have ever drank.  A totally refreshing experience and the "Gu Girls" were fun to chat with.

I would go back to Leavenworth to run the half marathon and chat with the "Gu Girls", though I don't think I would run the full.  

My next marathon on 10/10/10 is in Victoria!

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